One of the greatest tragedies this year is the loss of hope. So how do we get to a place where we can truly say, "Everything is going to be alright!"? In today's message we learn from the shunnamite woman how to be alright in the midst of trouble.

"Unless you make room for the power of God in your life, He will pass you by!" In this message, we are challenged to clear some space in our lives and make room for Jesus.

"Not by my might, nor by power, but by my spirit!" In this week's message, Pastor Scott charges us to bring the message of Jesus to the world with His spirit guiding us, leading us, and speaking through us.

Be compelled to spread the good news of Jesus Christ in this special Missions Sunday!

Everyone has asked the question, "What happens to me when this life is over?" Many have no idea and others have a misinformed understanding. This message begins a series explaining what the Bible says about this important question.
Do you have what it takes to be tenacious in the faith? In this message, we are challenge with having endurance to life for Christ and be champions for Him every where we go.

God is awesome and sometimes He wants to move in a mighty way in our lives. This Sunday, God did just that! Rewatch here and let the Holy Spirit speak to you and allow God to do something awesome in your life.

Do you have faith to move forward with Jesus? Through Peter, Jesus shows us how we can trust in Him to take us to the next level.

In a world that's full of deception and lies, there's only one place we can find truth. Join us in week three of our series on Revelation!

In a world that's full of deception and lies, there's only one place we can find truth. Join us in week two of our series on Revelation!

Pastor Scott begins a new series on the book of Revelation and poses the challenge, are you ready for what's to come?

What's been stealing your joy? When something isn't going the way we thought it was, the first thing we find missing is our joy. So we go searching for joy and find ourselves even more joyless when don't find it. In this message, Pastor Chris shows us three areas our joy is found.

A timely message that explains the current crisis of Covid-19 in light of Scripture and the cosmic war that Satan has waged to usurp God's authority on earth.

Happy Mother's Day! Our JFC ladies join in the conversation this week to discuss life as a mom and how to lead according to Biblical principles.

He is our fortress, our refuge, and our God. When we dwell in his house, we can face anything when the rest of the world seems to be falling apart.