Gold is one of the chief measures of wealth and royalty in our society. The gift of gold brought to Jesus reminds us He is our King when we submit everything to Him. In this message, we continue our series on the original gifts of Christmas and what they mean for our lives.

The gift of myrrh reminds us that Jesus was born to die. Myrrh seems like such an uncommon gift, however it was a prophetic gift about the savior, Jesus, and how we would be born to die for us! In this message, we continue our series on the original gifts of Christmas and what they mean for our lives.

The gift of frankincense reminds us that Jesus knows me. He is our healer, our comforter, our strength, our peace, our savior, and he knows exactly what we need and when we need it. All we have to do is come to him. Will you come to Jesus this Christmas?