Happy Father's Day! While there may not be a perfect dad, we do have a perfect father in God. As a man, when we follow His ways and live according to His word, we can walk as a blessed man.

Faith is determined by who we trust when we find ourselves at a crossing point in life. In this series, we are taking a deep look at moments in the Bible that tested people's faith in God and how we find ourselves at similar crossing points.

Most children in America come from homes which do not have a solid biblical foundation. This mother's day we celebrate moms and are challenged by the impact of Christian values in the home.

Faith is determined by who we trust when we find ourselves at a crossing point in life. In this series, we are taking a deep look at moments in the Bible that tested people's faith in God and how we find ourselves at similar crossing points.

From death to life to freedom, that's the story of Lazarus. We too have experienced a resurrection but sometimes find ourselves alive but still bound. Join us this week as we take a look at the story of Lazarus and he stepped into freedom because of what Jesus and those around him did.

In this series we are taking a look at the fulfillment of explicit prophesies about Jesus. This week we take a look at the incredible resurrection of Jesus and the most important decision we will ever make.

In this series, leading up to Easter, we take a look at the fulfillment of explicit prophesies about Jesus. This week we take a look at the miraculous and supernatural works Jesus conducts in our lives.

"Everything must be fulfilled!" In this series, leading up to Easter, we take a look at the fulfillment of explicit prophesies about Jesus. This week we take a look at significance of the cross and the sin that we carry.

"Everything must be fulfilled!" In this series, leading up to Easter, we take a look at the fulfillment of explicit prophesies about Jesus. This week we take a look at four "gardens" and how each are part of the story that leads us to Jesus.

"Everything must be fulfilled!" In this series, leading up to Easter, we take a look at the fulfillment of explicit prophesies about Jesus. This week we take a look at the most critical point in the life of Christ, His sacrificial death on the cross and what it means for us.

"Everything must be fulfilled!" God gave us explicit prophesies so that we would recognize who Jesus is! In this series, leading up to Easter, we take a look at the fulfillment of these prophesies in life and death of Jesus Christ.

Are you facing a mountain today? We often look at mountains as times of struggle and challenge. But, if we change our perspective, we will begin to see how these mountains have helped us, encouraged us, and changed us.

Gideon was considered one of the greatest judges over Israel. So why did he find himself hiding in a cave, running from God's plan for his life? In this message, we take a look at Gideon's story to see in our own story how to come out of hiding and overcome the challenges we face.

What have you been expecting in your life? This week, we are challenged by Evangelist Lynn Wheeler to expect what God can provide... the unexpected.

If you've lost your joy recently, this message is for you! Listen this week as we learn what joy is and where our joy comes from.